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Teenage health

Marple Cottage Surgery has a wealth experience in dealing with all people of all ages, including our teenage patients. We also have access to other services that are available to young people, so if you have a problem that we are not able to deal with, we can put you in touch with someone that may be able to.

Confidentiality is treated in a highly professional manner so remember that anything you discuss with us remains confidential. You do not need to have an adult with you when you come to your appointment. If any matters do need to be discussed with anyone else or you need to be referred for specialist opinion this would be made very clear to you during your consultation.

We would like you to feel that you are welcome at the surgery and trust us to look after your health needs. If you would like some advice but do not want to book an appointment why don’t you email one of the clinicians.

Alternatively, below are links to other local services for specific problems:


Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea screening

RUClear offers free and confidential Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea postal testing service for people aged 16 to 24 years. RUclear is run by the NHS, the tests are of a high quality ... [continue] Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea screening


Counselling (Aged 11 – 18 years) Central Youth – Grand Central, 1 St Peter’s Square, Stockport, SK1 1NZ Offers general advice, information, and counselling for young people 0161 204 5899/5926 ... [continue] Counselling

Drug / Alcohol Abuse

Central Youth – Grand Central, 1 St Peter’s Square, Stockport, SK1 1NZ Offers and drug and alcohol advice. 0161 480 9600 [email protected]

Sexual health

RU Clear – STI Screening RUClear offers free and confidential Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea postal testing service for people aged 16 to 24 years. RUclear is run by the NHS, the tests ... [continue] Sexual health


Stockport Stop Smoking Service As of Friday 22 March 2019, we now have a smoking cessation clinic running at the Practice each Friday, 2:30pm – 5:30pm. To make an appointment, contact ... [continue] Smoking

Date published: 22nd December, 2021
Date last updated: 22nd December, 2021